Guideline For Handcarts/Gaddas/Kiosks


  1. The licensee shall print/paint the licence number of the licence,  issued under the Goa PFA Rules 1982,  in a conspicuous place on the hand cart/gaddas/kiosk and it shall not be plied without this licence number.
  2. The licensee or any person for the time being in-charge of a licensed hand cart/gadda/kiosk shall carry the license with him at all times and shall produce on demand by the Inspecting Authority.
  3. The licensee, vendor and any food handler shall get himself or herself medically examined for freedom from any communicable or contagious disease once in a year and shall carry the said medical certificate along with  the hand cart/gadda/kiosk.
  4. The hand cart/gadda/kiosk shall have a wooden/aluminum framed glass casing erected over the platform of the hand cart/gadda/kiosk of adequate height.  The top of this casing shall also be covered by suitable hard material viz, wooden, aluminium, etc.
  5. The licensee shall use stainless steel utensils for storing of prepared/cooked food articles on the hand cart/gadda/kiosk.
  6. Licensee shall use stainless steel vessels provided with a tap,  meant for storing potable water for washing the utensils/plates, etc.  All such vessels/utensils/plates shall be washed under running water.
  7. The washed water shall be collected in bucket provided below the stainless steel vessel with a tap and the said washed water shall be suitably disposed off without causing any public nuisance.
  8. The Licensee shall provide sanitary dustbins with closed fitting cover/lid to deposit therein waste and sweepings from the hand cart/gadda/kiosk.
  9. The licensee shall make arrangements to depose off the contents of sanitary dustbins at least once a day, without causing any public nuisance.
  10. No water for drinking shall be provided on the hand cart/gaddas/kiosk except packaged drinking water.
  11. No article shall be cooked/prepared/served other than that permitted in the licence.
  12. No food article shall be sold on the hand cart/gaddas/kiosk, unless it is cooked/prepared/procured from a licensed premises.
  13. Every licensee shall disclose or declare the name of the licensed premises from where  the food articles have been procured for sale by him.
  14. All articles of food on hand cart/gaddas/kiosk shall be kept properly protected from dust and flies.
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