Guidelines for prescribtion Writing and Handling of prescriptions (CIRCULARS)

An initiative of various stake holders namely Goa Medical Council, Goa Voluntary Health Association of Goa, Chemist & Druggist Association, Indian Pharmaceutical Association, Goa Branch and the Directorate of Food and Drugs Administration; for the last two years has resulted in the release of Guidelines for Prescription Writing and Handling of Prescription and Prescription Medicines, which has released on Sunday 16th September 2012 at the auspicious hands of Hon’ble Minister for Health, Government of Goa, Shri. Laxmikant Parsekar in the distinguished presence of Director of Food and Drugs Administration Shri. Salim A. Veljee and the President of Goa Medical Council Dr. Shekhar Salkar which was largely attended by the medical fraternity, Doctors in Allopathic, Dentistry and also by the Pharmacist.

This guideline which is a first initiative in the country will serve in bringing greater awareness both among the medical fraternity as well as the Pharmacist and assist the Regulatory Authorities in achieving the objectives as laid down under the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules 1945 and thereby create awareness over the rational use of drug and avoid in-discriminate use of drugs.

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